What Makes NVIDIA the Strongest: A Review of CUDA
I. Introduction
$\quad$ As a part of NVIDIA Developer Program, the NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute (DLI) [1] offered a free course among their self-paced course.
II. Literature Reviews
A. Background
$\quad$ With CUDA programming, GPU work is performed by threads, which run in parallel. These threads are grouped into blocks, and multiple blocks form a grid. The functions executed on the GPU are known as kernels. The executino configuration specifies the number of blocks in a grid and the number of threads in each block, where every block in the grid containing the same number of threads. These relationships are called thread hierarchy.
To manage the thread hierarchy, CUDA provides several built-in variables. gridDim.x
represents the total number of blocks in the grid. blockIdx.x
indicates the index of the current block within the grid. blockDim.x
denotes the number of threads in each block, and threadIdx.x
specifies the index of the current thread within its block.
GPU-accelerated vs. CPU-only Applications
$\quad$ In CPU-only applications, data is sequentially processed by the CPU. This is a slow process, as the CPU can only process one task at a time. However, in GPU-accelerated applications, data is processed in parallel by the GPU. One of those that enables to process multiple tasks simultaneously is cudaMallocManaged()
function which automatically migrates data to the GPU to perform a parallel computation. A task on the GPU is asynchronous so that the CPU can continue to process other tasks while the GPU is working.
Handling asynchronous tasks is an important and challenging. CUDA addresses this issue by cudaDeviceSynchronize()
function which waits for all tasks on the GPU to complete before continuing. After synchronization, data which will be accessed by the CPU is also automatically migrated back to the CPU. With these concepts, GPU process multiple tasks simultaneously, which allows faster processing times.
B. Hello Worlds
Hello World in CUDA
void CPUFunction() {
printf("This function is defined to run on the CPU.\n");
__global__ void GPUFunction() {
printf("This function is defined to run on the GPU.\n");
int main() {
GPUFunction<<<1, 1>>>();
$\quad$ The above code demonstrates a simple example of a CPU function and a GPU function. While Code executed on the CPU is referred to as host code, code running on the GPU is called device code. The __global__
keyword indicates that the following function can run on either the CPU or the GPU. Importantly, the return type of the function must be void
When it comes to a line of calling function GPUFunction<<<1, 1>>>();
, the function is called as a kernel. The kernel necessarily requires an execution configuration in the form of <<<gridDim (the number of blocks), blockDim (the number of threads)>>>
As the paper mentioned earlier, the kernel is executed on the GPU, meaning that it runs asynchronously, unlike most C/C++ code; thus, the rest of the code without the kernel will continue to execute without waiting for the kernel to complete. In order to synchronize this gap between the CPU and the GPU, cudaDeviceSynchronize()
function causes the host code to wait until the device code completes, and only then resumes execution on the CPU.
Parallel Programming Configuration
$\quad$ Parallel computing is a type of computation in which many calculations or processes are carried out simultaneously. Each data element is processed by each thread. However, the maximum number of threads per block that CUDA defines is so finite, 1024, that it is inevitable to use blocks to concurrently handle more threads. Furthermore, traits of GPU hardware often make the desirable number of threads per block to be a multiple of 32 due to getting the performance benefits.
An dataIndex represents the index of the thread corresponding to the index of the data element in a grid. Calculated by $\text{threadIdx.x} + \text{blockIdx.x} \times \text{blockDim.x}$, the dataIndex
enables to access all threads in the grid called by a single kernel.
Three possible cases are prompted by the hardware requirements regarding the relationship between the number of threads $T$ and the number of data elements $N$; 1. $\mathbf{T = N}$ Nothing needs to be considered in this case. 2. $\mathbf{T \gt N}$ This makes empty threads, which are not used, so that handling the case as checking whether dataIndex
is smaller than $N$ is necessary.
3. $\mathbf{T \lt N}$ This case requires a grid-stride loop technique. The technique allows a single thread to stride forward sequentially among the data elements by the number of threads in the grid with $\text{blockDim.x} \times \text{gridDim.x}$. The dataIndex
in this technique is consequently calculated by $\text{threadIdx.x} + (\text{blockIdx.x} \times \text{blockDim.x}) + (\text{blockDim.x} \times \text{gridDim.x}) \times i$ where $i$ is the iteration index. The following code block shows the implementation of the grid-stride loop technique.
__global__ void kernel(int *a, int N) {
int indexWithinTheGrid = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
int gridStride = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
for (int i = indexWithinTheGrid; i < N; i += gridStride) {
// do work on a[i];
$\quad$ When both the number of threads and the number of data elements were known while the number of blocks was not, the following code ensures that the extra block is created to handle all data elements.
int N = 100000;
size_t threads_per_block = 256;
// calculate the number of blocks from given variables
size_t number_of_blocks = (N + threads_per_block - 1) / threads_per_block;
some_kernel<<<number_of_blocks, threads_per_block>>>(N);
__global__ void some_kernel(int N) {
int idx = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
if (idx < N) {
// do something
Note that the executing sequence of the threads is guaranteed, but the executing sequence of the blocks is not guaranteed.
Memory Management
$\quad$ The following code shows how to allocate and free memory on the GPU.
// CPU-only
int N = 2 << 20; // 2^21
size_t size = N * sizeof(int);
int *a;
a = (int *)malloc(size);
// GPU-accelerated
int N = 2 << 20;
size_t size = N * sizeof(int);
int *a;
cudaMallocManaged(&a, size);
Note that a memory address assigned by malloc()
is not able to access on the GPU, while a memory address assigned by cudaMallocManaged()
is able to access on both the CPU and the GPU.
Error Handling
$\quad$ Error handling is crucial in all programming languages. All errors are typed by cudaError_t
. Three types of principal errors is addressed in this paper; 1. From Memory Allocation Due to hardware limitations, memory allocation often fail. A CUDA library function, cudaMallocManaged()
, returns a cudaError_t
type, which can be used to check whether the memory allocation was successful. The following code snippet shows how to handle memory allocation errors.
cudaError_t err;
err = cudaMallocManaged(&a, size); // Assume the existence of `a` and `N`
if (err != cudaSuccess) {
printf("Error: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(err)); // `cudaGetErrorString()` is provided by CUDA.
2. During Launching a Kernel As mentioned above, the kernel should be defined by void return type which prohibits from handling errors in the kernel. In order to unfold this issue, CUDA gives a function cudaGetLastError()
which returns the last error as a type of cudaError_t
. An error evoked by the kernel launching is examined by the following example.
someKernel<<<1, -1>>>(); // the parameters of kernels cannot be negatibve
cudaError_t err;
err = cudaGetLastError();
if (err != cudaSuccess) {
printf("Error: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(err));
3. During Executing a Kernel The previous two cases account for the errors in synchronous code flow. However, it is not underestimated that the asynchronous execution in GPUs is mainly a regard of parallel programming. The cudaDeviceSynchronize()
function returns an error which emerges during the execution of the kernel.
cudaError_t err;
err = cudaDeviceSynchronize();
if (err != cudaSuccess) {
printf("Error: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(err));
These errors can be wrapped up by a macro function like the following example.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
inline cudaError_t checkCuda(cudaError_t result) {
if (result != cudaSuccess) {
fprintf(stderr, "CUDA Runtime Error: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(result));
assert(result == cudaSuccess);
return result;
int main() {
* The macro above can be wrapped around any function
* that returns a value of type `cudaError_t`.
checkCuda(cudaMallocManaged(&a, size));
- nsys
$ nvcc -o single-thread-vector-add 01-vector-add/01-vector-add.cu -run
$ nsys profile --stats=true ./single-thread-vector-add
- GPU Properties (Info)
int deviceId;
cudaGetDevice(&deviceId); // `deviceId` now points to the id of the currently active GPU.
cudaDeviceProp props;
cudaGetDeviceProperties(&props, deviceId); // `props` now has many useful properties about
// the active GPU device.
- Asynchronous Memory Fetching
int deviceId;
cudaGetDevice(&deviceId); // The ID of the currently active GPU device.
cudaMemPrefetchAsync(pointerToSomeUMData, size, deviceId); // Prefetch to GPU device.
cudaMemPrefetchAsync(pointerToSomeUMData, size, cudaCpuDeviceId); // Prefetch to host. `cudaCpuDeviceId` is a
// built-in CUDA variable.
- NVIDIA Nsight Systems
A GUI tool to scrutinize the execution information from the following output file
# example
$ nsys profile --stats=true -o init-kernel-report ./init-kernel
- CUDA Streams
cudaStream_t stream; // CUDA streams are of type `cudaStream_t`.
cudaStreamCreate(&stream); // Note that a pointer must be passed to `cudaCreateStream`.
someKernel<<<number_of_blocks, threads_per_block, 0, stream>>>(); // `stream` is passed as 4th EC argument.
cudaStreamDestroy(stream); // Note that a value, not a pointer, is passed to `cudaDestroyStream`.
- Operations within a given stream occur in order.
- Operations in different non-default streams are not guaranteed to operate in any specific order relative to each other.
- The default stream is blocking and will both wait for all other streams to complete before running, and, will block other streams from running until it completes.
Most code snippets are provided by the course material.
\[\tag*{}\label{1} \text{[1] NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute, https://learn.nvidia.com/en-us/training/self-paced-courses, accessed in Jan. 3rd, 2025}\]- https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-c-best-practices-guide/