You can configure mounting automatically in file /etc/fstab
in the file, you can see what to do … but the example is like /dev/sdb2 /mnt/data ext4 defaults 0 0
How to mount/unmount in Ubuntu to use USB, CD/DVD ROM, etc
This article is referred to blog \
OR you can search in GOOGLE, "how to access usb in ubuntu"
Method to use your USB
Connect USB for Ubuntu PC
- Using command in below
sudo fdisk -l
- You shoud check USB Type, which is FAT32 or NTFS.
- Make directory to use mounting. This could be placed anywhere.
- In my case, I make
- Mount USB to your directory
- Case USB Type is NTFS
sudo mount -t ntfs $USB_PATH /home/onejun/mount/usb
- Case USB Type is FAT32
sudo mount -t vfat $USB_PATH /home/onejun/mount/usb
- $USB_PATH’s example : /dev/sda1, /dev/sdb1 … /
- Additionally, you can check connectivity that USB mounted well.
df -h
After your work DONE
- IMPORTANT STEP. Unmount your USB, before you pull out it.
sudo eject /home/onejun/mount/usb
ORsudo eject /dev/sda1